Upcoming Build Areas



Country Estates

Sign-Ups: We are at 100% of our goal to build.

Estimated Date of Completion: TBD

construction CONSTRUCTION
installation INSTALLATION

Current Phase: Construction

As we embark on the journey to bring high-speed fiber to your area, it's essential to understand what the construction phase entails. This is a critical step in laying the foundation for your future connectivity, and here's what you can expect:

  1. Utility Location: The process kicks off with utility locators marking existing utilities. You might notice flags or spray paint around your property—these are indicators from MissDig, a utility locating service, highlighting the presence of underground utilities. These markers are temporary and will fade over time, but it's crucial not to remove them to ensure the safety and efficiency of our construction efforts.

  2. Construction Equipment: The presence of heavy construction equipment is a clear sign that work is underway. You'll likely see big, orange spools of conduit—a key component in building our underground network. This conduit houses the fiber cables, ensuring they are protected and durable over time. Expect to see this equipment moving around the neighborhood, including on lawns, as we lay the groundwork for your high-speed connection.

  3. Property Access: Our construction activities will primarily take place within the right of way or utility easement adjacent to your property. The specifics of this area may vary depending on local regulations and the unique layout of each property. We're committed to operating with minimal disruption and respect for your space.

  4. Installation of Hand Holes: Approximately every other lot, we will install hand holes—these are underground vaults that serve as access points for the network. At ground level, you'll see a flush green plate marking these spots. These installations are crucial for maintaining and expanding the network as needed, ensuring reliable service for everyone.

Throughout this phase, our goal is to efficiently lay the foundation for high-speed fiber connectivity while minimizing impact on the community. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work towards enhancing your digital experience.


Help move your neighborhood closer to getting the DayStarr experience. Simply click on sign up and complete the form. This committment will help move us closer to building your area. There is a small $50 deposit that is fully refundable if you choose not to move forward with DayStarr service.