Employee Feature: Jordan Cooper

[4/4/2022] It is our pleasure to introduce one of our wonderful Fiber Installers, Jordan Cooper. As a Fiber Installer, Jordan is one of our team members responsible for installing Fiber for residential as well as business customers. When asked what his favorite thing about working for DayStarr was Jordan said, “Among many other things my favorite thing about DayStarr is the atmosphere. Everyone’s in it together and the willingness to help each other is something I greatly enjoy.”

Born and raised in Owosso, Jordan graduated from Owosso High School in 2012. When he’s not at DayStarr, he enjoys spending time with family especially his wife Corridon and son Liam, who was just born in January. He also enjoys playing on the computer with friends. In his earlier years, he spent the majority of his time on the basketball court.

“I’ve always had a passion for technology! There’s something so fascinating with the progress the world has made in the past 10 years,” said Jordan. “Getting into the world of fiber just really shows how far we have come. I can’t wait to see where it goes!”

If you get the chance, maybe during an install, say hi to Jordan and welcome him to our team!

Ways Home Tech Can Make Work-From-Home Better

[4/4/2022] Today, more Americans are working from home than ever before. While broadband internet made it possible for millions to work remotely, the global Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the trend.

As the work-from-home movement has become a normal part of our lives, so too has the technology to enable it. From enhanced Wi-Fi range and speed to sleek Smart-Home gadgets to software and apps that improve collaboration among remote teams, working from home is a comfortable and productive way to work.

Wish our fast and reliable fiber internet, you can feel just as much a part of the team while working at your own home.

Below we highlight some of the ways to utilize the technology available at home to make your remote work experience more productive and even more pleasant!

Using Alexa for Reminders and Timers—and Occasional Company!

When used creatively in the home workspace, Alexa can be more than just another device—it can be a work assistant and even a partner! For example, Alexa can connect to your digital calendar and remind you of meetings and deadlines. It can even read emails to you out loud, helping to break up the quiet and give your eyes a rest from the screen. You can also create to-do lists with Alexa and receive reminders at specific times.

Alexa can remind you to stand up and stretch and even take a few sips of water to stay hydrated. The variety of skills, games and other features can help you take a break or spur some creativity. Quick workout routines, meditations, and silly jokes can crack the monotony of the workday in ways not too dissimilar from workplace banter around the water cooler at the office.

Now, we’re not suggesting you give up on all other human contact! But Alexa’s features can help you stay on task, prevent yourself from falling behind, and encourage you to take breaks during the day.

Play Music in the Background

Since working from home can sometimes seem overly quiet, many experts recommend playing music in the background while you work. You can connect your Wi-Fi speakers to your laptop, phone, or tablet. Then stream from the music app of your choice, including popular options like Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Spotify.

Spotify has playlists of all kinds, from relaxing classical music to electronic beats. Curated by other users just for work, these playlists will keep you focused and improve your concentration. Or you can create and stream your own playlists to jam to when you need a break—after all, there’s no one to see you ham it up when you’re working at home!

Video Conferencing Builds Personal Connections and Improves Collaboration

You may have grown accustomed to using Zoom and other video conferencing apps to stay connected to friends and loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic. But you can use Zoom for more than just video calls and online Happy Hours!

Video conferencing can open opportunities to participate in work meetings and conference calls with large teams. You can almost feel like you are in the same room with your colleagues.

Zoom and other video conferencing apps encourage team building and foster more personal connections than emails and even traditional phone conference calls. And recent advances make video conferences more secure, as well. For example, Zoom now features advanced password requirements and “waiting rooms” to admit any potential participant, so you can be sure that only genuine conference invitees are present.

These are just a few ways that using the tech you have at home and on your devices can help make your remote work experience more enjoyable.

For more advice and tips on being more productive using the high-speed fiber internet of DayStarr be sure to follow our social pages!

Why We Use Temporary Drops for Winter Installations

[4/4/2022] We know the wait for fiber internet installation can be tough. After all, you are on the verge of having fast, reliable broadband fiber internet from DayStarr Communications, and all the best streaming entertainment the web has to offer.

Winter adds to the technical challenges of fiber installation. Frozen grounds, shorter days with less sunlight, excessive moisture from melting snow, and heavy rains drenching the soil—all of these issues and more can make it exceedingly difficult to bury and install fiber. It’s also a riskier time for our crew of technicians.

While permanent fiber installation may sometimes be delayed during winter and early spring, temporary drops can help deliver the high-speed internet you’ve been waiting for—even if you’ll have to wait for better, safer weather and ground conditions for final installation with buried fiber internet lines.

Below we provide answers to common questions about temporary drops and help explain the process installing them so you’ll know what to expect.

What is exactly is a temporary drop?

A temporary drop, also referred to as a temp drop, is simply an above-ground fiber internet connection line that provides fiber internet service temporarily to your home until weather and ground conditions are feasible and safe enough to bury the fiber line in the ground.

What kinds of conditions necessitate temp drops?

There are two common reasons why we may not be able to bury the fiber and complete installation during the winter and early spring.

#1: The ground is frozen.

During winter and early spring, the colder temperatures can make the ground too hard to dig and bury fiber. And just because the temperatures warm up for a few days doesn’t necessarily mean the conditions are improved enough to complete the installation. In general, the ground must be fully thawed at least one foot deep, which can take weeks of 60 degree-plus temperatures, depending on the soil’s physical and chemical composition.

#2: The ground is too wet.

The winter and spring can bring heavy precipitation, from heavy snows and snow melts to days of rain. When the soil is over-saturated, it is simply not feasible to install fiber optic lines below ground safely and effectively.  Additionally, burying fiber when the ground is too wet can upset lawns, flowerbeds, trees, and other vegetation—not to mention upset your neighbors and their lawns, too!

What are the steps to installing a temporary drop?

After determining that the conditions do not support burying fiber, a temp drop is authorized. Our technicians will then connect the Multi-Port Service Terminal (MST) (i.e., the “box” near the street where internet service is supplied to your neighborhood) to your home via a fiber line placed above-ground to your home.

So instead of burying the fiber in the ground, the temp drop keeps the fiber line above the ground and connected to your home, temporarily, until the buried installation can occur when the weather and other conditions improve.

The line may run along your lawn and driveway, but don’t worry! Your car cannot damage the line. The fiber line may also cross over your neighbor’s property, but as with other utilities, there is a “right-of-way” that permits this if necessary.

Is the temp drop line safe?

Yes! While we don’t recommend you handle the line, it is not dangerous. Fiber technology consists of tiny glass strings that transmit light. So unlike live electrical wires, there is no risk of electric shock.

However, we suggest that you do your best to avoid the line while tending to yard work or clearing snow. Although the fiber lines are sturdy, snowplows and other equipment and tools can sometimes harm the line, necessitating more technical support—not to mention the inconvenience of losing internet!

Here at DayStarr we greatly appreciate your patience as we strive to provide you with fast, reliable fiber internet as efficiently and quickly as possible! As always, feel free to reach out us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Farewell TV

[4/4/2022] As cable subscriptions become more obsolete, streaming services continue to grow with new options emerging every day! Streaming is the best way to pay for the content you want and nothing you don’t!

It is, for this reason, that beginning on June 27th, 2022 DayStarr is retiring the TV service we offer through TVC. This being said we are happy to assist you in finding which streaming services work best for the shows you already love watching–whether it’s live sports, news, or network shows–we can help you out! Our Fiber Internet is the best way to watch your shows uninterrupted (and even without commercials sometimes.) Ask us how or find out for yourself!

IN ADDITION… DayStarr TV customers that choose to keep their service without TV can pick up a $25 Amazon gift card in the office beginning on September 27th, 2022.

What is the FCC Affordable Connectivity Program?

[4/4/2022] Today’s internet is not just a source of near-endless entertainment options, email messages, and social media connections. From providing opportunities to work from home, to receiving telehealth online from healthcare professionals, to remote learning during public health crises or emergencies, being connected to high-speed, reliable broadband internet isn’t a luxury, or even a mere convenience.

High-speed broadband internet is now an integral, indispensable part of our daily lives.

And fiber internet from us at DayStarr Communications provides the dependable broadband service you and your family need to stay productive, healthy, safe, and fully interconnected to the global economy.

While we strive to price our services affordably, we understand that paying for internet can sometimes be a challenge. That’s why we want to ensure all our customers are aware of a new program, coming soon, from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist people in getting connected to broadband: the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Read below to learn more about how this program works, if you qualify, and how much you can save each month on broadband service.

The FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program in a Nutshell

The Affordable Connectivity Program (the ACP) provides discounts on monthly internet bills to qualifying individuals to help purchase high-speed broadband internet service.

Established by Congress in 2021, the ACP is a now-permanent program, replacing a similar, but temporary program launched during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, then known as the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program. (If you are already enrolled in that program, you can easily move into the new ACP.)

Participation in the program is based on financial need, and there are several ways to qualify for the ACP’s benefits. If you qualify, enrollment is a simple, two-step process, and once completed, your discount will be automatically applied to your monthly broadband internet service bill.

Keep reading to learn more about this program!

The ACP’s Benefits

Participants in the ACP can receive savings of up to $30 per month for broadband service. That discount is a significant chunk of the typical broadband monthly service cost and can put high-speed internet access within reach for many people.

Best of all, the discount comes right off your bill each month—no rebates or other action is required by you. The discount is limited to one monthly service bill per household.

Qualifications to Participate in the ACP

The ACP’s benefits are available based on financial need. There are several ways to qualify for the program:

  1. Your income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines;
  2. You already qualify for and participate in programs like Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, commonly called Food Stamps), Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC, or Lifeline;
  3. You already receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program;
  4. You received a Federal Pell Grant (for higher education) during the current award year.

How to Enroll in the ACP

Enrollment is a simple, two-step process.

First, visit acpbenefit.org and follow the steps to completing and submitting an application. You can apply online on that website or, if you prefer, print out and mail the completed application.

Second, reach out to us to select a plan and have the program’s discount applied to your bill.

Remember when this becomes available, that both steps are required in order to enroll and receive the discount—application through the ACP website and contacting DayStarr Communications to choose your plan—so please be sure to complete these two steps.

For additional information about the Affordable Connectivity Program visit https://acpbenefit.org/ to learn more.

Ways Home Tech Can Make Work-From-Home Better

Today, more Americans are working from home than ever before. While broadband internet made it possible for millions to work remotely, the global Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the trend.

As the work-from-home movement has become a normal part of our lives, so too has the technology to enable it. From enhanced Wi-Fi range and speed to sleek Smart-Home gadgets to software and apps that improve collaboration among remote teams, working from home is a comfortable and productive way to work.

Wish our fast and reliable fiber internet, you can feel just as much a part of the team while working at your own home.

Below we highlight some of the ways to utilize the technology available at home to make your remote work experience more productive and even more pleasant!

Using Alexa for Reminders and Timers—and Occasional Company!

When used creatively in the home workspace, Alexa can be more than just another device—it can be a work assistant and even a partner! For example, Alexa can connect to your digital calendar and remind you of meetings and deadlines. It can even read emails to you out loud, helping to break up the quiet and give your eyes a rest from the screen. You can also create to-do lists with Alexa and receive reminders at specific times.

Alexa can remind you to stand up and stretch and even take a few sips of water to stay hydrated. The variety of skills, games and other features can help you take a break or spur some creativity. Quick workout routines, meditations, and silly jokes can crack the monotony of the workday in ways not too dissimilar from workplace banter around the water cooler at the office.

Now, we’re not suggesting you give up on all other human contact! But Alexa’s features can help you stay on task, prevent yourself from falling behind, and encourage you to take breaks during the day.

Play Music in the Background

Since working from home can sometimes seem overly quiet, many experts recommend playing music in the background while you work. You can connect your Wi-Fi speakers to your laptop, phone, or tablet. Then stream from the music app of your choice, including popular options like Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Spotify.

Spotify has playlists of all kinds, from relaxing classical music to electronic beats. Curated by other users just for work, these playlists will keep you focused and improve your concentration. Or you can create and stream your own playlists to jam to when you need a break—after all, there’s no one to see you ham it up when you’re working at home!

Video Conferencing Builds Personal Connections and Improves Collaboration

You may have grown accustomed to using Zoom and other video conferencing apps to stay connected to friends and loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic. But you can use Zoom for more than just video calls and online Happy Hours!

Video conferencing can open opportunities to participate in work meetings and conference calls with large teams. You can almost feel like you are in the same room with your colleagues.

Zoom and other video conferencing apps encourage team building and foster more personal connections than emails and even traditional phone conference calls. And recent advances make video conferences more secure, as well. For example, Zoom now features advanced password requirements and “waiting rooms” to admit any potential participant, so you can be sure that only genuine conference invitees are present.

These are just a few ways that using the tech you have at home and on your devices can help make your remote work experience more enjoyable.

For more advice and tips on being more productive using the high-speed fiber internet of DayStarr be sure to follow our social pages!

Daydreaming of Summer? These Apps Will Help You Plan Your Next Vacation

[3/7/2022] We know the long winter months can seem to drag on and on. And with that seemingly endless period of dark days and cold temperatures, visions of beaches and sunshine, or mountain cabins and forest trails, or perhaps exploring cities and hamlets can pop into your head.

Who can blame you for daydreaming of a summer holiday? The good news is it’s never too early to start researching and planning your vacation either.

Dozens of websites and apps make researching and booking your family’s trip easier than ever. And with our fast, reliable fiber internet, your summer vacation plans can be made with just a few clicks!

We understand that even planning a trip can entail a lot of work and questions like, where can you find deals on flights and hotels? What about itineraries and packing advice? And where should you even consider traveling to this summer, anyway?

With so many travel-related apps and websites to choose from, it can be overwhelming just thinking about planning your trip. So we’ve put together this handy guide to travel websites and apps to help you plan your summer vacation—and save you money and time, too.

It’s organized into three broad categories of apps and websites: Reservations and Booking, Destination Guides and Itinerary Planning, and Budgeting and Packing for Your Trip. Scroll down to learn more!

Reservations and Booking

We start with the basics: making reservations for booking flights and accommodations.


When it comes to booking flights, it’s hard to beat Kayak. Kayak is an “aggregator” site. It collects information from other online sources (mainly airline websites and other travel booking sites) and displays them. Then, after plugging in your destination and date and time preferences, its meta-search engine presents all flight options available to you in different price ranges. You can even narrow your search to just direct flights if you prefer.

Kayak also helps you find rental cars and other travel reservation needs. We recommend using Kayak as a research tool to shop around and compare your travel options and prices. It’s an indispensable app for savvy travelers!

Airbnb and Vrbo

After researching flights and transportation, it’s time to find a place to stay. And with today’s global online marketplace, the options are almost limitless! If you’re looking for cabins, beach houses, city lofts, and other exciting lodgings, Airbnb and Vrbo are two mainstay apps that are certain to help you find a unique place to stay.

You can view photos, compare homes and room features at multiple price points, and read reviews from previous guests on each app. And because Airbnb and Vrbo feature lodgings individually owned by ordinary people, each accommodation offered is distinctive.


While renting lofts, cabins, and bungalows on Airbnb or Vrbo is increasingly popular, don’t forget the charms and conveniences that hotels have to offer. From daily room cleanings to concierge service to mixing and mingling with other travelers at the hotel bar, hotels have much to offer the curious traveler. And when it comes to fast and easy searching for the best deals on hotel stays, HotelsCombined.com is a clear winner.

Like Kayak, HotelsCombined is an aggregator site, with its powerful meta-search engine combining 30 other hotel reservation sites for availability and the best rates. As a result, it is consistently ranked among the best hotel booking websites and is highly recommended if a hotel stay is a part of your vacation plans.


Ever get a last-minute itch to travel but aren’t sure if you can even find a hotel room? HotelTonight is an app designed specifically for spur of the moment or late hotel room booking. In a pinch, HotelTonight can help you find a phenomenal deal on a room when an unexpected travel opportunity knocks.

Though you can also use HotelTonight to book hotel rooms well in advance (and you will almost certainly save more money doing so), we recommend using this app for your immediate hotel booking needs.

Destination Guides and Itinerary Planning

You’ve researched and booked your flights and accommodations. But what are you going to do on your vacation this summer? And how do you even choose where to go in the first place? Below are some apps and websites to help you learn more about your destination and create an itinerary to get the most out of your vacation time.

Lonely Planet

If you’re dreaming of summer vacation, but haven’t quite decided where to go or what you should do on your trip, legendary travel guide publisher Lonely Planet can serve as a launching point to start your search. Offering innumerable options around the world, you can discover loads of information and suggestions before you’ve even hopped on the plane.

Lonely Planet offers many destination guides to cities and even whole countries to help you choose where to travel and what to do when you get there. Each guide features historical and cultural background and lets you select activities based on price and your interests. But be careful—you might be swept away by all the fantastic travel possibilities and have trouble making a final decision on where to go!


If we had to choose just one app on this list to help you plan and research your summer vacation, it would probably be Wanderlog. Wanderlog is an all-encompassing app for researching, planning, cataloging, and even booking your trip. We love Wanderlog for its research and planning capabilities. It’s also effortless to share your ideas with other members of your travel party.

Wanderlog contains a wealth of information about destinations, and its itinerary-developing features help you decide where to go and what to do on your vacation. Wanderlog can also connect to Google Maps to help you navigate the logistics of your trip, including estimated travel time between must-do sites and activities. It’s a handy app for travelers.


Ok, so you’ve made it to your destination—now what? Welcome is a “smart” city guide designed to help you make the most of your visit and does it in a more customizable and personalized way than most other travel guides. Welcome is designed to be “a concierge in your pocket” and does so by using real-time technology to take into things like weather and traffic that can impact your activities.

When you establish your Welcome account, you’ll input your preferences for activities and interests, whether they are more artistic or culturally inclined or physically active and outdoorsy. In this way, Welcome “learns” your style of travel and makes recommendations accordingly. Unfortunately, it is currently only available on iOS.


Just about everyone knows how useful Google Maps can be for driving (or even walking) around, so we didn’t feel the need to include that invaluable app on this list. But, we do want to recommend another app for navigating towns and cities—Citymapper.

Citymapper covers many towns and cities and provides local transportation information. You can choose if you want to walk, take a car, or use mass transportation like trains, subways, or buses—and it will always tell you the best routes based on those options. Particularly helpful for urban adventurers, Citymapper is an excellent tool for learning your way around big cities (or if you happen to be utterly lost in them!).

Budgeting and Packing for Your Trip

Our last two apps will help you budget and pack for your trip—two essential travel preparation tasks often neglected until the very last minute!


It can be all-too-easy to lose track of—and lose control of—your expenses when you’re on vacation. TravelSpend is a handy budgeting app designed specifically for traveling and will help you make sure that you live within your means on your trip. We especially like the customizable features TravelSpend offers, like choosing your style or “philosophy” of traveling.

Whether going solo, with a friend, or with your family—and whether you will splurge on luxury or plan to “rough it” with a backpack, TravelSpend can help guide your financial planning. It also allows you to choose the local currency, adding additional precision to your preparation.

Packing Pro

Our final recommended app is for the super-planner. But, it’s also perfect for people who have no idea what to pack! Packing Pro helps you craft and manage a detailed list of all your travel needs and supplies.

Packing Pro even includes sample packing plans that help you estimate what you’ll need to bring, given the length of your trip. It’s a convenient tool to keep track of everything you’ve brought along the way and ensure you don’t leave anything behind!

Family-Friendly Podcasts for Screen-Time Breaks

[2/22/22] We know that managing your kids’ screen time is one of the more stressful aspects of parenting today. But you also know that we live in a veritable “golden age” of online content that both entertains and informs.

So how can you expose your children the internet’s best online content without them having to spend too much time in front of a screen or television?

We have a suggestion: podcasts.

A podcast is like a radio show, often focused on a theme or topic that features discussion, interviews, music, or performance. Developed by passionate creators, podcasts are a great way to learn and be entertained without sitting down in front of a screen. Some podcasts dive deep into a specific subject, while others focus on a broad range of topics.

They are also great for road trips!

And with high-speed, reliable fiber internet from DayStarr Communications you and your family can enjoy a break from the screen and discover the delights of listening and learning through podcasts.

There are thousands of podcasts of all kinds on virtually every topic. It can be challenging to navigate this terrain, especially when finding a podcast suitable (and appropriate) for the whole family.

So, we’ve put together a list of family-friendly podcasts that everyone can enjoy! Though focused on children of various ages, there is enough entertainment and educational value in these podcasts that any listener will be engaged and informed!

Educationally-Focused Podcasts about Science, Technology, and History


Wow in the World

The Wow in the World podcast will delight curious young minds and lifelong learners alike. Focused on nature, science, and technology, it simply exudes enthusiasm for its topics. Produced by National Public Radio (NPR), Wow in the World is a must for anyone interested in science and the natural world. In fact, we’d be surprised if you didn’t enjoy it as much as your kids!

Brains On!

Brains On! is an educational but highly entertaining science-based podcast. Brains On! answers questions submitted by elementary and middle-school students. Listeners will grow their curiosity and increase their scientific knowledge through highly engaging episodes! Of course, grown-ups are sure to learn a lot from the great questions and thoughtful responses, too!

Stuff You Missed in History Class

History buffs—and anyone with a curious mind—will be riveted by the Stuff You Missed in History Class podcast. It’s impossible not to learn something new! Diverse topics include fascinating moments in British history and how Disneyland attractions began. There’s even an episode on how candy companies develop their sweets!

Stories and Fiction-based Podcasts


Remember the heroic legends from Greek Mythology? Or Aesop’s Fables? The Storynory podcast features the talents of professional voice actors performing entertaining adaptations of classic tales. Educational as well as amusing, Storynory can captivate listeners of all ages. One of the oldest podcasts on this list, Storynory features hundreds of episodes to sample or binge!

Story Pirates

The Story Pirates podcast presents fiction written by kids as young as four years old. A lively cast performs each story, which will keep the whole family amused while inspiring up-and-coming writers to develop their story-telling skills!

Ear Snacks

Humor is at the heart of the Ear Snacks podcasts—and so is the music! Each episode is centered on a unique theme, including songs and clever story-telling. Ear Snacks’ episodes are crafted by lead creators Andrew Barkan and Polly Hall (bonus, they’re parents, too!).

This talented duo’s celebrated musical and story-telling work was featured on Nickelodeon and Sesame Studios’ productions. But be careful—you might have trouble getting the catchy tunes out of your head!

Bedtime and Relaxation


Storytime is a podcast that will help calm down and lull your little one each night before bedtime! Think of it as a new way to do traditional bedtimes stories. Each episode consists of brief (around 15-minutes) but complete stories. Both entertaining and relaxing, Storytime’s episodes are designed to do what bedtime stories were always meant for—to settle everyone down into a deep, restful slumber!

Peace Out

Our final recommendation focuses on cultivating calm, mindfulness, and relaxation—something all of us could use sometimes! Peace Out was created by the same team behind the Storytime podcast. But Peace Out also teaches valuable coping skills, including meditation and visualization techniques to help anyone live a more mindful, less stressful life.

Tired of the Cold? Try These Smart Devices

After holidays have passed and friends and family have returned to the routines of daily life, the reality of the “less-festive” parts of the long winter season often sets in.

It can be a struggle even to stay warm. Throw in the dark, short days, chapped lips, and inclement weather. No wonder we often feel gloomy during winter!

And with higher energy costs from increased demand for heat, it can be difficult—and quite expensive—to keep your home and its inhabitants warm in winter.

Now, you may be wondering if there is any technology that will help keep you warmer when it’s connected to reliable fiber internet DayStarr Communications!

The answer is ‘Yes!’

Below are four suggestions for smart gadgets and gear to help keep you and your family cozy and contented through the remaining months of winter.

  1. Emerson’s Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat

Our first recommendation is a “Smart Thermostat,”—and we suggest the Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat from Emerson. It’s easy to install; it only takes about 30 minutes for most people. The Sensi Touch lets you control the temperature in your home from almost any Wi-Fi accessible device, including your smartphone, tablet, Apple HomeKit, Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, or Google Assistant.

You can also monitor and regulate the temperature of your home when you’re away, including raising the temperature remotely before you and your family arrive home. A smart thermostat is simply essential to any smart home and—when used correctly—will greatly improve your home’s comfort level and energy efficiency.

  1. Dyson’s Pure Hot + Cool

Are you interested in keeping a small area of your home warmer?

Sleek-looking and impeccably engineered, Dyson’s impressive (but pricey) all-in-one heater, fan, and air purifier is an excellent device for making the air quality in your home healthier and more comfortable.

It can simultaneously heat a large room and remove impurities from the air via its built-in HEPA filter. Dyson is well respected for innovative, savvy home devices and products.

Dyson’s Pure Hot + Cool features technology circulates warmer, cleaner air more widely than most purifiers and simple space heaters.

Because it’s wi-fi-enabled, you can control it with your voice on Alexa or from your fingertips on your smartphone or tablet. This is the most expensive gadget on this list, but you may also find it does more for your home than any other item.

  1. Sharper Image’s Wi-Fi Ultrasonic Humidifier

Using the heat more during the cold winter months produces dryer air in your home—and all the discomforts associated with it. You can feel the overly-dry air affecting your skin, your lips, and even the way you breathe.

Humidifiers can help fight off those effects and improve the comfort of a home in winter.

And with this Wi-Fi-controlled Ultrasonic Humidifier from Sharper Image, you can better monitor and regulate the amount of humidity in your room through your smartphone. One device can humidify a room up to 500 square feet, providing outstanding coverage and reducing the negative impact on your skin.

  1. Qsun

Our final recommendation doesn’t heat a room or improve air quality. But it just might help you feel better—literally—during the winter.

Given the short, dark days, and lower UV exposure from the sun, too many of us find ourselves in glum moods during the winter. And some people suffer from Season Affective Disorder due to the lack of sunlight.

Qsun is a wearable device to help keep track of your exposure to sunlight and even helps monitor your vitamin D levels, which contribute to improving your mood.

By connecting to your smartphone, Qsun provides useful data about the amount of UV and sun exposure you receive. It helps you stay healthy and happy during the darker days of winter. It’s also useful for the summer when too much sun can cause you different health issues. Qsun can even remind you when to apply and reapply sunscreen!

The above suggestions are just a few of the smart gadgets available to help keep you warm and comfortable during the coldest, driest parts of the winter season. And being connected to the fast Fiber internet gives you more control over the comfort and warmth of your home than ever.

Be sure to follow our ‘s social pages for more helpful tips on creating a smart home and making the most of your high-speed fiber internet.




Smartphone Apps Every Pet Owner Should Have

[2/8/2022] Dog and cat parents are a special breed. We just love our canine and feline companions, and see them as part of the family. Like any other family member, we simply want the best for them.

Did you know there is a whole world of information and helpful tools available as apps for your smartphone and tablet to help you be a better pet owner and improve the quality of life—and quality of time—you have with your pets?

Well, with our high-speed fiber internet and the handy apps we recommend below, you can stay better connected to your pets’ health and well-being!

We break down our list into several categories below to help you find the apps you need the most.

General Pet Health

Pet First Aid—American Red Cross: This free app, created by the American Red Cross, offers crucial first aid guidance for pets, including cats and dogs. It’s the go-to app for cat and dog urgent health and medical care needs.

AskVet: Looking for more personalized health care advice for your pet? AskVet’s customizable features tailor health and wellness tips to your individual pet and its needs.

PetDesk: PetDesk is a great way to keep all your pet’s medical, health, and dietary information and needs in one place. It gives you reminders for medications, and helps create appointments at the vet, even coordinating with many participating veterinary offices for scheduling.

Toxins and Other Dangers

Petoxins: If you’re like many dog owners, we know your dog loves to chew on…well… everything. Petoxins is a convenient and informative app to keep on hand to help identify dangerous plants your pets may have consumed, and what steps you should immediately take to help them.

PupTox: Another useful app for helping detect poisonous and toxic materials your pet may have ingested is PupTox. It covers many common household chemicals and dangers and unlike Petoxins, it’s available for both iOS and Android.


Dogo: With a built-in “clicker” to facilitate your dog’s learning, Dogo offers adaptable training programs and exercises to help your dog become more obedient and better behaved. The “quiz” available at the start of the app helps customize the training regime specifically to your dog’s current age, behavioral issues, and training progress.

Puppr: Puppr offers step-by-step photos and videos and other tools to help improve training outcomes for your canine companion.  You can also choose and bundle different features according to your training needs and your dog’s development.

Other Helpful Pet Apps

BringFido: If you frequently travel with your pet, BringFido can be a lifesaver. It helps you find hotels and other overnight-stay options that are pet friendly. Over 250,000 locations are currently in its network, so you are sure to find a place to stay that will accept your companion and make everyone feel at home!

Rover: From pet-sitters to dog-walkers, Rover can help you identify reliable, caring, and enthusiastic service providers for your pet. It also has an awesome GPS feature, which let’s you track and view your pup’s walk in real time!

We hope you’ve discovered something new in this little roundup! Remember to contact us to get the speed you need to power all your favorite apps and smart home devices. Because at DayStarr, we’re proud to keep your whole family—including those with paws—connected.