Your Guide to Smart Home Security

[12/6/2022] Your top priority is keeping your family and home protected and safe from harm.

Thankfully, today’s technology can help you feel safe by making you more aware of what’s happening outside your home, no matter where you are. And smart home technology can help deter crime, as well.

Your neighbors at DayStarr understand your concerns and desire to keep your family safe. We are also a part of our community and are proud to help serve and keep people informed, connected, healthy and secure. That’s why we’ve put together this brief guide to smart home security that anyone connected to our high-speed fiber network can learn from and put to good use.

This concise overview highlights some of the most well-regarded smart home security measures and technology recommended by home safety experts.

Smart Doorbells

Smart doorbells help you see who is at your door before you answer. They also monitor any activity on your doorstep, front porch, driveway and even on the street in some cases. These devices can help prevent deliveries and packages from being stolen and deter suspicious activity at your home.

Smart Security Cameras

A smart security camera setup is a must for those looking for more robust security.

You can install a smart security camera system anywhere in or outside your home, from the driveway to the backyard. Many smart security cameras are designed with motion sensors, so any time a person—or even larger wildlife—is detected, you will know it.

You can also use smart security cameras with motion-sensing outdoor lighting, which will also help deter unwanted visitors. Best of all, smart security cameras connect to your home’s WiFi and all your devices, keeping you notified of activity outside your home.

Smart Lighting and Glass-Break Detectors

Other state-of-the-art smart home tools can improve safety and security.

For example, glass-break detectors can alert you to intruders. Because they connect to your home’s fiber network, your family will be notified of a break-in.

And smart lights detect motion and send notifications to your phone or tablet, alerting you to be on your guard.

Personal Medical Alert and Emergency Devices

Seniors and others with mobility limitations or chronic health problems need quick communication with first responders.

When there’s an acute health emergency or other safety concern, personal medical alert and emergency devices can connect people to first responders at the touch of a button. During an emergency, there’s no need for seniors to locate and use a phone, as making contact with emergency personnel is simple and fast with these outstanding devices.

Don’t Forget About Network and Online Security

At DayStarr, we take the security and stability of our network very seriously. Our engineers and technicians constantly work to keep the network safe from attacks.  But there are also some steps you can take to protect your data and online privacy.

Keep your home network safe from hackers and phishing attacks by using strong anti-virus software and apps on all your devices, as well as password managers to safeguard your accounts.

And be sure to use a complex password that is difficult to guess—and not the same as all of your other passwords! Ad blockers can also save both aggravation and the unseemly tendency of advertisers to track your online activity.

These are just some innovative devices and services available to put Smart Home technology to good use for home safety and security. But as always, practice common sense in and around your home and online.

Keep front and back doors locked (and car doors, too). And avoid clicking on suspicious emails or untrustworthy links, so you don’t become a victim of a security breach.

Don’t forget that smart technology and intelligent decision-making keep our neighborhoods and communities safer.

Interference: Sneaky Suspects that Slow Your Speeds

[11/29/2022] We’ve all experienced occasional slower internet speeds from time to time.

And too often, this happens at the worst times, like when you’ve finally gotten a moment to binge that show everyone is always harping on about! For some of us, though, slower internet speeds and poor streaming are regular occurrences.

We get the frustration. Just because you have the fast and reliable Fiber Internet we provide, there can be many reasons why you still get slower speeds and poorer performance.

Below we discuss some of the sneaky suspects that slow down your speed and recommend ways to improve it.

We discuss the problem of continuing to use outdated technology. We then go through the next most common issue: WiFi router placement and two kinds of interference that can cause slowdowns, physical interference and signal interference.

With a few simple changes, you’ll experience consistently faster internet speeds.

Older Routers Don’t Handle Higher Internet Speed Capabilities

Let’s start with the most common culprit for Wi-Fi problems and slower internet speeds: an out dated router.

Everyone knows technology changes quickly. But most of us don’t upgrade that technology yearly, including our WiFi routers. So while many people get a new smartphone or tablet every couple of years, too many of us have not upgraded our WiFi routers to keep up.

Newer WiFi routers, especially those made after 2019, can handle and disperse much higher internet speeds than older models. Specifically, be sure to look for routers that utilize at least 802.11ac technology, more commonly called Wireless AC or WiFi 5.

Better yet, the latest Wi-Fi technology is called 802.11ax, or WiFi 6. This upgraded equipment can greatly increase internet performance and capacity, allowing WiFi speeds to exceed one gigabit or more per second. However, as you will see below, newer equipment is not the only thing that matters!

WiFi Router Placement Problems Due to Physical Interference

Poor WiFi router placement is one of the most common problems that plague homes with slow internet.

To begin with, it’s important to remember that WiFi disperses its signal both horizontally and vertically (straight ahead and up and down).

Objects that are physically “in the way” of that signal can interfere with the quality and strength of the Wi-Fi signal before it reaches your devices. Below are the most common physical interferences in many homes that lead to slow internet speeds.

Glass and Windows

One of the biggest slow internet speed culprits is glass and windows.

Glass and windows can cause significant interference. Avoid WiFi router placement too close to windows or other glass, as that can “deplete” too much signal and waste precious internet speed your smart TV needs to stream your favorite content.

Walls and Similar Obstructions

Fireplaces, wall units, cabinets and similar obstructions will interfere with the WiFi signal. Reinforced concrete, which some walls in your home may consist of, is a particularly obstructing material. With this in mind, choose your WiFi router’s location, and try to minimize interference with these sneaky speed-stealing objects.

Televisions and Other Electronic Equipment

A TV is another typical problem for Wi-Fi.

 In many homes the WiFi router is located near the television; and perhaps behind it so it’s hidden from view.  This is a big no-no, as your television is loaded with electronic equipment that blocks Wi-Fi signal and its ability to spread throughout your home.

Do your best to give your router as wide a berth as possible from your television and other electronics-heavy equipment like receivers and DVD players.

Signal Interference

Beyond the physical objects that interfere with Wi-Fi, other items in your home put off signals that can cause slower internet speeds, too. Three of the most common are highlighted below, and you should take care when placing your WiFi router too closely to any of them.

 Microwave Ovens

In many homes, the WiFi router is in the kitchen. And it’s likely your microwave oven is slowing down your Wi-Fi.

Microwaves operate at the same frequency as many Wi-Fi routers—2.4GHz. That means that microwaves can interfere with WiFi signal. Provide your router with as much distance from your microwave as possible, and consider relocating it out from the kitchen if the interference continues.

Bluetooth Devices

You should also know that Bluetooth devices can obstruct WiFi signals and slow down internet speeds as they “hop” around different frequencies.

There may be many more Bluetooth devices active in your home than the common ones you’re probably thinking of, such as your smartphone and tablet. A Bluetooth mouse, ear buds, speakers and even toothbrushes are typical in nearly every home. So be mindful of using too many Bluetooth devices simultaneously if your internet speeds are slow.

Baby Monitors and Walkie-Talkies

This one surprises many people, but baby monitors and similar devices that transmit sound waves over a distance can interfere with WiFi!

Like microwave ovens, baby monitors and walkie-talkies operate on the same frequency as WiFi. Try to be careful where you place baby monitors in the house, or consider moving your router if the interference persists.

When you upgrade your Wi-Fi router to the latest, higher-speed capacity technology and wisely locate it, you can significantly improve your internet speeds.

But don’t forget that appliances, devices and equipment cause slowdowns, too! Doing so will make your streaming and browsing experience much more satisfying.

Today’s Online Gaming Experience—An Overview of a Global Phenomenon

[11/29/2022] Online gaming is no longer just a leisure activity for teenagers and young adults. It is big business, with a market value worth tens of billions of dollars a year, employing thousands of digital programmers, engineers, designers, and artists, and an increasingly growing online competition sector called “esports.”

While online gaming continues to be as fun as it’s always been, and new processing power and intensifying graphic technology make video games more life-like and spectacular than ever before, advanced streaming platforms, esports and gaming tournaments are taking online gaming to a new level.

Thanks to improved Fiber Internet technology, such as the Fiber network provided by DayStarr more players in literally every corner of America—and the entire world—can get in on the online gaming action.

Read on to learn more about the streaming gaming phenomenon and why it’s worth checking out!

Online Gaming in the Cloud Elevates Video Games to New Heights

Cloud-based gaming technology enables players to test their skill against competitors worldwide.

Whether “massively multiplayer online games” consisting of hundreds or even thousands of simultaneous players or simple one-on-one duels, gamers simply need to access their accounts, select their game, find their opponents or teammates and start playing.

The variety of games available to play is astounding. From simulated sports like football and soccer, to idyllic fantasy worlds to explore and survive, to designing and engineering buildings and even entire cities or civilizations, to war games and battlefield tactics, there is a game to satisfy just about anyone’s tastes.

Online gaming also provides a social component that had been conspicuously absent in previous video game eras.

Today’s streaming gaming platforms allow players to communicate, strategize, and even form friendships in a way that was impossible before. Apps like Twitch and Discord even let players record and broadcast their games widely, and allow fans to watch their every intricate move and tactic.

And the more competitive aspects of gaming help build teams and collaboration beyond individual skills. Thus, today’s online gaming is more than just about “owns” or putting up “W’s” or even economic gains—it’s about interaction and problem-solving among like-minded individuals working toward a common goal.

In this way, online gaming is not dissimilar to playing in little league or youth soccer or on the office’s softball team!

Popular Streaming Gaming Services

Online gaming among multiple players takes place on streaming platforms that enable players from different zip codes and time zones—even continents—to play against each other on the same gaming server in real-time. Some of the most common streaming services include those developed and maintained by the largest video game companies in the world.

Sony, which makes the PlayStation 5, has its own streaming platform, PlayStation Plus (which now includes the previously called PlayStation Now). Xbox and its Games Pass allow players to test their prowess on Xbox’s extensive library of acclaimed games. A membership with Nintendo Switch Online is required to play Nintendo games online, but it also offers up classic Nintendo 64 games to play.

Fostering Community–and Improving the Local Economy

Because online gaming isn’t just about the individual gamer but about forging connections and building community, online gaming also provides an opportunity for broader economic development to help towns and cities grow.

According to industry estimates, the economic “spillover effect” of sponsoring and hosting esports tournaments and other online gaming events is considerable.

In 2022, the economic impact of hosting an esports competition in Atlanta, Georgia and Raleigh, North Carolina, was $1.78 million and $1.45 million, respectively.

In addition, thousands of gamers attended each event, helping small businesses like restaurants and shops thrive. Even state governments recognize the value of esports and online gaming tournaments to the broader economy, as legislation is being considered in North Carolina to incentivize and encourage more esports events.

More gamers and gaming groups and clubs are needed in our towns and cities to continue the industry’s growth.

These gamers need reliable, high-speed fiber internet to participate in online gaming events, locally-hosted and remotely played. And communities need high-speed fiber internet to serve and attract gamers and gaming tournaments.

At DayStarr we are proud of our efforts to provide the most reliable fiber network available and benefit both the growing online gaming phenomenon and our community’s broader economy.

It’s easy to see both the local and the global reach—and importance—of online gaming. And as technology develops and internet speeds and connectivity improve, online gaming will become an even more significant part of the world’s economy and broader culture.

Counting Your Devices: How Much Speed Do You Need?

[10/25/2022] Today’s homes are brimming with devices that connect to the internet. Technology is everywhere in your home, from tablets to smart TVs to cell phones and smart speakers.

Because you use reliable high-speed Fiber Internet from DayStarr you can confidently stay connected to the internet for all of your streaming and internet needs. But, if your home is full of devices and people who regularly use them, you may wonder if you need to upgrade your internet speed.

Many factors influence internet performance in a home. For example, the location of your router, obstructions like walls and glass, interference from electronic equipment, and multiple devices can contribute to slow-downs and underperformance.

We’ll help you self-assess whether you should upgrade your internet service plan’s speed. Then, you can choose a speed plan that makes a huge difference in your home’s internet service.

Let’s get started!

How to Count Your Devices Without Missing Any

Given the diversity of devices in a typical home, it can be easy to undercount how much internet-using tech there is in your house! Use the following list and guide to ensure you don’t miss any device.

Once you’ve gone through each of the categories above, total them all up to see how many devices you have. Then write that total down and save it.

Device Bandwidth Usage— How All Your Tech Really Adds Up

Now that you’ve done an accounting of the total number of devices in your home, you need to understand how much bandwidth these devices can take up. Bandwidth, in simplest terms, is the maximum capacity any internet connection can have.

The higher the bandwidth, the more data can be sent to and from your device—which makes a huge difference when you have multiple devices streaming movies in different rooms at the same time!

Thankfully, fiber internet has much greater bandwidth capacities than cable. But too many devices in use at the same time can “eat up” the bandwidth and lead to slowdowns.

Some devices use a lot more bandwidth than others. For example, smart TVs use vast amounts of bandwidth to stream movies and television shows. So, if you have multiple smart TVs streaming simultaneously, you may experience some slowdowns.

Cell phones use bandwidth anytime they use the internet in your home. So, whether conducting a simple Google search, or engaging in a more intensive activity like watching a YouTube video, if your kids are actively using their cell phones, expect they are taking up bandwidth, too.

Laptops and tablets will also use lots of bandwidth for gaming or file sharing. Even your Echo Dot will take up bandwidth if you’re streaming music while getting dinner prepared.

Adding It All Up—And Upping Your Internet Speed

When all the devices in your home are tallied and you consider the amount of bandwidth in use by everyone in your home, you’ll begin to understand why you may need a speed upgrade.

Adding extra internet speed will almost certainly improve the performance of all the devices in your home, given how many are regularly in use.

And the best part of increasing your internet speed is that by providing enough bandwidth, everyone in your home can use their devices at the same time without experiencing slowdowns!

Upping speed tiers—especially by going up to 1-gig per second—means that your household no longer needs to take turns on who streams which show or movie at a given time or plays online games against their friends.

Faster internet speeds and higher bandwidth will also give you a little more peace at home.

So when you’re ready, be sure to call and talk to one of our wonderful team members at DayStarr and they will be available to answer all your questions and help you choose the best internet speed plan to meet your home’s needs.

Building a Smart Backyard: Create Your Ideal Entertaining Space

[10/18/2022] If you’re like many homeowners over the past few years, you’ve already discovered the conveniences—and cost savings—of creating a smart home.

From improved energy efficiency with smart thermostats to increased security of smart doorbells and cameras to the calm-inducing ambiance of smart lighting, smart home technology can transform your house into an ideal living space.

However, the delights of smart home devices don’t have to be limited to the four corners of your house. With some planning and creative design, you can take the conveniences of smart home technology into your backyard!

With just minor adjustments to your Wi-Fi setup, DayStarr’s Fiber Internet can easily reach into your back porch, patio and yard, providing internet coverage wherever you wish to enjoy your outdoor home life.

Below we detail how you can create your own smart backyard to make your outdoor living area the envy of your neighborhood!

Outdoor Wi-Fi Extenders

Your smart backyard begins with extending your Wi-Fi range to reach the coverage needed for outdoor living space. Technically called a “wireless access point,” Wi-Fi extenders “capture” your home’s wireless signal and disperse it farther and more broadly, enabling greater coverage.

Outdoor range extenders are designed to be resistant to precipitation and dust. This is an essential first step to controlling all the other devices we suggest below and will help ensure a strong signal you can count on for all your outdoor internet needs.

Smart Outdoor Security for Your Backyard

While smart doorbells and cameras have become popular for monitoring your front door and driveway, you can also create additional peace of mind by providing similar security for your backyard.

Outdoor wireless security cameras let you keep an eye on what’s happening in your backyard, which can be especially useful when your kids are playing outside while you’re attending to other matters indoors. Motion sensors can detect unwanted visitors, including wildlife, making a smart outdoor security camera a wise choice.

Outdoor Smart Speakers

When you’re entertaining, whether it’s a pool party or an outdoor barbecue, music is simply a must.

And with dust-tight, waterproof outdoor Smart Speakers, you can arrange a sound system for your backyard or patio that rivals your indoor entertainment set-up!

Smart speakers can connect to your devices and music apps like Apple Music or Spotify, letting you show off your playlists as you digitally spin tunes outside. Some outdoor smart speakers can individually fill up an outdoor area, but consider adding multiple smart speakers and pairing them together for even richer sound.

Outdoor Smart TVs

With today’s technology, you don’t have to sit indoors to enjoy TV or watch a weekend’s worth of fall football.

Indeed, more and more backyard barbecues and parties are incorporating live sports and other entertainment on outdoor smart TVs not limited by the length of the cable cord! While Outdoor smart TVs are more expensive than their indoor counterparts, they are outfitted to endure the elements and last years longer outdoors, too, them a better long-term value. Look for IP55-rated models, which are the most moisture-resistant and dust-proof (and pollen-proof!) outdoor smart TVs.

Smart Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting can truly add something special to the ambiance of your backyard. Whether you create dramatic effects by spotlighting shrubbery and trees, or stringing-up lights along pathways, smart lighting takes outdoor lighting to the next level.

Today’s smart lighting tech lets you control and adjusts the power of the lighting, including dimming, just with your voice. Other smart bulbs can adjust colors and hues, adding to various lighting effects—this can be particularly cool during holidays!

And to add to the security features of your backyard, you can also include motion sensors to turn on any lights when a passer-by is detected.

Smart Fire Pits

When the weather cools in fall and winter, and the air is crisp, you can enjoy the coziness and warmth of a smart fire pit. Some models include features like smokeless fires with adjustable flames, greatly easing the workload of starting and building a fire.

Other Smart Fire Pit models are traditional fire pits that burn actual wood and can even be used to cook—or roast marshmallows! Smart technology lets you control the flames through your devices, providing additional safety and convenience.

Smart Barbecue Grills

Finally, we would be remiss if we didn’t include recent technological advances to outdoor barbecue grills.

Smart grills include many features designed to reduce the stress—and, let’s face it, disappointments—that frequently accompany so many backyard barbecues. Today’s smart technology is built into your smart grill, keeping you informed on timing and temperature, so you don’t undercook your guests’ hamburgers or burn your shish kabobs to crisps. A smart grill can genuinely help make your next backyard barbecue a success!

By setting up a smart backyard, you might enjoy more of your property than you ever imagined. Together with DayStarr’s Fiber network, these smart devices can integrate modern technology seamlessly across your back porch and patio, making your home more livable, secure, and valuable.

That’s Not Normal: Five Signs You Need Better Internet

[10/8/2022] Slow, interrupted, or choppy internet can be a frustrating experience. And if you and your family experience it when everyone is at home and streaming shows or movies, you know how it can ruin your evening.  Subpar internet can also make everyday communications with friends and co-workers difficult and negatively impact your productivity, as well.

Having fast, reliable, and consistent internet throughout your day (and night) throughout your home is essential—almost as necessary as all the other utilities. It can help keep the peace at home, too!

But you may have experienced enough consistent problems to wonder if something is “wrong” with your internet. While slowdowns and unstable signal are often due to your Wi-Fi hardware being older or not updated, your internet may be slow because your internet service is not as reliable and fast as current technology can provide.

The good news is that you can upgrade to fiber internet—the fastest, most reliable internet you can find! DayStarr and its team of expert technicians can help get you on the road to high-speed fiber internet starting with one phone call.

Before we explain how fiber can turn around your frustrating internet experience, we discuss five warning signs that indicate it’s time for an upgrade. From “dead zones” in your house to not being able to stream on multiple devices simultaneously, we will help you troubleshoot so you can make the right adjustments and improvements.

1) Slow Speed Tests

The fastest way to determine if you’re not getting enough internet signal is to run a speed test.

Speed tests can be checked on a cell phone in any room in your house. Start your internet troubleshooting by running a speed test anywhere and anytime you experience choppy or slow internet. Take note of the times of the day these slowdowns most frequently occur. It’s a great first step to turning your internet around.

2) Needing to Regularly Restart Your Router

If you frequently restart your router, it could indicate your internet needs an upgrade. While it’s recommended to reboot your router every few months to improve connections, doing so routinely (weekly or more often) is likely a sign your internet service is just not fast enough, rather than the router not working properly.

3) “Dead Zones”—Or Not Getting Adequate Wi-Fi Signal in Particular Rooms

Many homes have the dreaded “dead zone,” where your internet only has a weak or lifeless signal, rendering it useless to stream music, TV, and movies or even check your email.

With today’s Wi-Fi technology (properly set up and situated), dead zones should be rare, if not extinct. So, if you find dead zones in particular areas of your home, it may be time to improve your internet service to get a stronger signal everywhere in the house.

4) Struggling to Stream on Multiple Devices Simultaneously

If your family is struggling to stream TV and movies simultaneously on different devices, your family is likely to…well…struggle.

We understand that keeping the peace at home is a top priority, and quality internet should be a non-contentious issue!  But difficulty streaming on multiple devices simultaneously is a sure sign of insufficient bandwidth which means you have outdated, poor internet service. So, if this issue keeps popping up, it’s time to consider an internet service upgrade!

5) Videos Buffering Too Long and Slow Streaming

Our final sign that you need an internet upgrade is probably the most obvious and exceedingly frustrating: your movies and TV buffering for way too long.

If you find this happening n, or if the picture quality is frequently pixelating, indicate your internet does not have sufficient speed or bandwidth to handle streaming.

Upgrading to Fiber Internet Can Make All the Difference

Any of these issues could indicate a problem with your internet service. Unfortunately, many customers experience more than one—or even all—of these problems and others we don’t list here.

This is where Fiber Internet technology, such as the service provided by DayStarr, comes in.

Fiber internet technology transfers its data (i.e., emails, music, movies, TV, voice and video calls, photos, files, etc.) through light, sometimes reaching around 70% of light speed! Traditional copper-based coaxial cable just cannot compete with fiber’s speed capabilities.

It’s not just speed that makes the difference. Fiber also carries higher bandwidth capacities than cable or satellite internet. Taken together—increased speed and higher bandwidth—and fiber internet is the clear winner. With Fiber Internet DayStarr, you can get your family on the path to high-speed, high-picture-quality, and reliable internet throughout your home.

So, if you’re experiencing any of the frustrating warning signs outlined above, reach out to us at DayStarr and our friendly and resourceful representatives. They will be more than happy to help you determine if upgrading to fiber is the right move for you, and to help you select a package of services that will greatly enhance your internet connection!

Roblox: What Parents Need to Know

[10/4/2022] Besides streaming entertainment and spending time on social media, it’s a good bet that gaming is one of your child’s favorite online pastimes. And thousands of different online games are available for them to enjoy.

It’s also likely that you’ve heard one particular “game” repeatedly mentioned more recently: Roblox. And if your kid happens to be obsessed with it, Roblox may be about all you hear them talk about!

While not as well known as Minecraft, at least until the last several years, Roblox pre-dates Minecraft, having launched in 2006. But since the late 2010s, Roblox’s popularity has exploded.

Though Roblox is just one online game your child can play on DayStarr’s Fiber Network, we think it’s worthy of your attention. And before you think that learning more about Roblox isn’t worth it, consider this: over half of all children under 16 played Roblox in 2020 alone, a truly astounding statistic. And as recently as May 2022, 43 million people played it daily.

Read below to learn more about Roblox and some key features as we answer many parents’ questions about this online gaming phenomenon.

What Exactly Is Roblox, Anyway?

So first and foremost, technically speaking, Roblox is not a game itself. With an accompanying eye roll, there is a good chance your kid has already told you as much.

Rather, Roblox is a gaming platform. It’s an online place to create, develop, and share games and then play them.

Your child may develop a game when they are “playing” Roblox—and then play the game they built. Or they could play a game created by one of their friends or other players. Hence, Roblox’s platform has a creative and educational aspect that can yield benefits in ways other “games” may not.

Millions of Roblox games have been invented. Many of them are played every single day on the Roblox platform. From first-person shooters to pet adoption and caring-for games, to traditional treasure-seeking adventures, just about any game style can be found on Roblox.

Are There Costs and Monetization Involved in Roblox?

Technically, Roblox is free. There is no fee to join Roblox’s platform and games are free to play.

However, like many “free” online games, there are “in-app purchases” available to customize and improve the play of a game—and your kids may come begging you to let them make such purchases.

Additionally, there are ads in the game, so your children will be exposed to marketing materials. Also, keep in mind that many of these ads are clickable, taking your kids from the Roblox platform to a site outside the platform.

Is Roblox Safe?

Roblox includes messaging and chat features to enable interaction with other players in the games played on its platform. Remember that Roblox’s popularity extends beyond just kids; many adults can’t stop playing.

In theory, your child could interact not only with other kids their age but with grown-ups as well. Naturally, some parents are concerned about inappropriate conduct and communications of any kind, and Roblox has taken steps to address these concerns. They’ve even included a page on its website to help parents understand Roblox’s safety measures.

Roblox has robust parental controls, especially for children under 12. For example, parents can prohibit any “friends” and contacts from messaging their child, which may give some parents extra peace of mind. Other features include chat filters (to detect inappropriate communications or conduct) and an impressive reporting system.

Given Roblox’s wild popularity, parents and kids will likely encounter it at some point. Parents should exercise caution and maintain a general awareness of their child’s internet use (as with any online activity). But there is an educational, or maybe even vocational, value to Roblox. So take some time to engage with your kid’s experience on Roblox, and who knows—maybe you’ll join in the fun, too!

Employee Feature: Frank Samson

[9/30/2022] We are pleased to feature one of the newer members of the DayStarr team, Frank Samson. Frank is one of the valued members of our Aerial Crew and works a bit with our Underground Crew as well. When asked what his favorite part about working at DayStarr is, he stated “Everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission!”

When Frank isn’t busy helping us expand our Fiber network, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Kara, and daughter, Kinsley (both pictured). He also has two dogs, Callie and Bentley.

If you see him working with our crew don’t hesitate to say hi to Frank and welcome him to the DayStarr team!

Keeping Your Kids Focused During Online Learning

[9/28/2022] Online learning is the “new normal” these days thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.

Parents are quickly learning that it’s difficult to keep their students engaged with virtual school lessons. (Fortnite on the sly, anyone? Snapchat under the kitchen table?)

Luckily, an array of inexpensive apps can manage those distracting sites, helping kids stay focused and get that schoolwork done.

Check out the best of the bunch:

With these helpful tools, combined with fast and reliable Internet from DayStarr, you’ll be able to keep your kids focused and learning while at home.

Hosting Your Own Watch Party

[9/28/2022] One thing the past year has taught us is that there are multiple ways to spend time virtually with friends and family with the help of technology and a reliable high-speed internet connection. For instance, you can even enjoy your favorite television shows or a watch a movie together by hosting your very own watch party.

What Is A Watch Party?

Before we get technical, you might be wondering, what exactly is a watch party? Simply put, a virtual watch party is an online platform that allows you and a group of others to view media together.

It’s streamlined, straightforward, and an easy way for you and your friends to remotely and simultaneously consume web content. Instead of loading the same web page, counting down from ten, and pressing the start button, you can just start a party, share a link, and watch together.

Watch Party Platforms


If you haven’t been using Zoom for the past year, what have you been doing? This free conferencing platform is the easiest choice for hosting watch parties.


Netflix has been everyone’s best friend since March of 2020, which means that most people already have an account. And that’s a good thing because they’ll need it to have a watch party. To use this feature, you’ll first have to download the Netflix Party extension.


Your kids will love a streaming party hosted by the House of Mouse!

Watch parties are just one more way for us to stay connected, and don’t forget, quality streaming works best with a fast and reliable Internet connection from DayStarr!